
Creativity & Entrepreneurship

AC Center for Creativity and Entrepreneurship

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  • In the AC Center for Creativity & Entrepreneurship we are problem solvers. We are change makers. We are entrepreneurs.

    We believe our world needs innovative, creative, thoughtful people who look at problems as exciting challenges to be solved. Through our unique curriculum, students are challenged and encouraged to remain curious and to do good in the world through social innovation.

    From the early beginnings of ideation to bringing a product/service to market, our program facilitates the growth of students’ ideas into fully developed products and companies. Throughout this process, students learn and use industry standards, such as Lean Canvas, to create their business model, prototype, and collect feedback. 

    Don’t wait until you’re older, start NOW…

    Starting a business or bringing a product or service to market can be intimidating and get pushed off as “something I’ll do someday“, but through AC’s Center for Creativity & Entrepreneurship, students have the opportunity to bring those ideas to life right NOW! Through our highly individualized program, students are given the freedom to pursue the areas they are passionate about.

    Love art? Learn how to apply entrepreneurial skills to become an artist who sells their work in the global market.

    Love science and have an idea about how to save the oceans? Find out how to work with our global and STEM partners to combine your passions across our Centers for Impact to change the world.

    Have an idea for an app? We can help guide you through the process of developing that idea into reality.
    In the AC Center for Creativity & Entrepreneurship, we don’t just talk about entrepreneurship, we ARE entrepreneurs. 

Center for Creativity & Entrepreneurship Mission

In the Center for Creativity & Entrepreneurship at Allendale Columbia we are problem solvers. We are change makers. We believe our world needs innovative, creative, thoughtful people who look at problems as exciting challenges to be solved. Through our unique curriculum, students are challenged and encouraged to remain curious and to do good in the world through social innovation.

From the early beginnings of ideation to bringing a product/service to market, our program facilitates the growth of students’ ideas into fully developed products and companies. Throughout this process, students learn and use industry standards, such as Lean Canvas, to create their business model, prototype, and collect feedback.

The Center for Creativity & Entrepreneurship creates opportunities for our students to make an impact on the world at an unprecedented level by learning to adapt to a constantly evolving world, connecting globally, and carving their own path. This authentic way of thinking and working develops a universally applicable and transferable mindset and skillset.

What We Do

Below are a few of the experiences students can look forward to participating in through the Center for Creativity & Entrepreneurship.

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  • Entrepreneurship Engagement Diploma

    Beginning in 8th grade, students can choose to pursue the Entrepreneurship Engagement Diploma, a unique program that allows students the ability to dive deeper into the pursuit of their interests and studies. Designed to offer students choice, autonomy, and accountability, the requirements for the Entrepreneurship Engagement Diploma serve as a road map and every experience a student has leads to the next one.
  • The Howler

    The Howler is AC's student-run newspaper, created by the talented minds in the Digital Media Production class. Students take on the roles of reporters, editors, photographers, and designers to produce engaging content that covers everything from school events to student opinions and creative writing. The Howler gives students a platform to develop their journalism skills, collaborate with peers, and share stories that matter to the AC community. Through hands-on experience with digital tools and publishing platforms, they bring the news to life, honing both their technical abilities and their voices as young storytellers.
  • Wolf Den

    Students from the Center for Creativity & Entrepreneurship get real world entrepreneurial experience managing our school store. Students are responsible for helping with everything from product design and selection to pricing, tagging, marketing, and distribution. This is an excellent way for young entrepreneurs to get a feel for what it takes to run a business before branching off on their own.

The Howler

Making an Impact Through Creativity and Entrepreneurship

The Center for Creativity and Entrepreneurship works in partnership with The Center for Global Engagement on a collaborative learning experience with our partner school Enko WACA in Dakar, Senegal. This experience is funded by the EE Ford Foundation.

Our Upper School entrepreneurship elective, Making an Impact: Globally, focuses on empathy building as well as preparation to meet our Senegalese collaborators. Students in both schools work together to learn more about themselves and others (through Social Emotional Learning) and to examine current systems (political, medical, educational). The group then proposes changes to these systems in the form of solutions as prototypes.

Center for Creativity & Entrepreneurship Course Offerings

With a commitment to being a hub for community problem solving and social innovation, the Center for Creativity & Entrepreneurship continues to expand its course offerings, and many courses overlap across disciplines and Centers.

Examples of classes include: 
  • Essentials of Entrepreneurship
  • Theatre Production
  • Production Team
  • Drama Workshop
  • Digital Media Production
In the Upper School, students have the opportunity to start the Entrepreneurship Engagement Diploma Program, which allows them to graduate with an Entrepreneurship Diploma in addition to their regular diploma. As part of the Entrepreneurship Engagement Diploma Program, certain courses at Allendale Columbia are available to students, and not only do they provide credit in History, Art, or as an elective, but they also serve to satisfy the Engagement Diploma requirements. Courses will be approved by the Entrepreneurship Engagement Diploma team.

Students interested in pursuing an Entrepreneurship Engagement Diploma are encouraged to begin this process in 8th grade.

Center Director

Amy Oliveri, Director
AC Center
for Creativity & Entrepreneurship
At Allendale Columbia, we prepare students for the world they will inherit. In our trusting and responsive environment, students 18 months through grade 12 grow in confidence and develop scholastic independence.